Loose Skin After Weight Loss Surgery Pictures

If you are like many people, looking at the loose skin after weight loss surgery pictures can be quite disturbing. Fortunately, this problem is not one that cannot be treated in most cases. In fact, it is likely that the skin problems that you are seeing were minor and that they will heal themselves in time.

loose skin after weight loss surgery pictures

It is not uncommon for an individual to lose an unbelievable amount of weight in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, the problem that many individuals face after the surgery is that they do not have a good understanding of how their bodies work and what can be done to correct them. In many cases, patients find out that their surgery was a bad idea or that they should have focused their attention on losing the rest of the weight naturally.

The most common problem that people develop as a result of loose skin after weight loss surgery is that their skin does not return to its normal form. It may appear lumpy or flabby. If you are able to see it this way, then you may have a scar from the incision in your stomach area. This is understandable. Any incision that has cut into your stomach will have caused a wound that now needs to be stitched back up.

You may also notice some blood oozing out of the incision. This is probably due to the blood being pulled during the surgery, although it can also be caused by some of the medication that you had taken prior to the surgery. If you notice this happening, then you may wish to consider stopping the medication immediately and not taking weight loss surgery until you get the blood circulating and the incisions closed up.

Another thing that you should keep in mind if you are seeing loose skin after weight loss surgery is that it will take time for the excess skin to come back together. So you should not panic if you see it occurring. In fact, it is a good idea for you to take some time out to rest the muscles of your abdomen as they may have been strained from all the exercise that you have carried out since the operation. They may be sore and tight, but they will heal in time.

The other consideration with regard to loose skin following a gastric bypass or gastrectomy operation is that you may find yourself developing stretch marks. Stretch marks are caused when the skin has lost its elasticity and starts to pull apart. This may be particularly worrying if you had put some effort into dieting in the preceding weeks and months before your operation.

You may feel that your doctor would not want you to stretch the marks out. This could be true if the marks are not too severe. But if they are, then there are certainly things that you can do in order to reduce them. You will also have to consider the possibility that the stretch marks may just fade over time. Some people get better at hiding stretch marks than others, so it may be something else that you will need to address.

As you can see, losing weight will not automatically get rid of this problem. And while you may find it comforting to know that your weight loss surgery will not cause this problem, you still should take steps to reduce it to a level at least tolerable. You should also know that a lot of other weight loss surgery patients have also encountered problems with their skin and some of these involved stretch marks as well. So you can take comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone and there are others that also suffered the same problem.


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