Can Loose Skin After Weight Loss Be Cured?

When I look at the loose skin after weight loss surgery pictures, I can't help but think of my own experience after having my arm removed. The wound was so swollen that I couldn't get to sleep, and I definitely didn't look forward to going out to dinner or doing all the other things a person has to do in order to be comfortable. After the operation, I was told that I would need months of physical therapy to recover from the surgery, and that I wouldn't be able to do much in the way of normal exercise until I healed up enough to start doing it. Needless to say, being unable to do the normal daily exercises required was very frustrating for me, and even moreso for my husband.

I didn't lose all of my arm fat, by the way. My arm was already quite thin before the operation, and my doctor explained that the loose skin was primarily from my fat being so abundant within my body at such an early point in my life. When I looked at loose skin after weight loss surgery pictures, I thought to myself that if I could have known all of this going into my surgery, I could have still performed the surgery. It's important to note that my arm was completely functional at the time of my surgery. It certainly would not have been a good picture, and it would have changed my entire outlook on life!

Another patient of mine said she lost a significant amount of weight, and all of her sagging was caused by stretch marks. Stretch marks are caused by rapid weight loss. The skin stretches rapidly, and when the sudden loss of weight catches you off guard, you can end up with red, ragged marks on your skin. These can last for a lifetime if not kept in check, and they can be unappealing to look at for anyone who isn't accustomed to seeing them.

Another patient, after losing a large amount of weight, ended up with loose skin all over her body. This meant that she was able to go shopping in shorts, and not have to worry about being ridiculed by her peers. I suppose there is a sense of accomplishment in seeing your skin stretch before your eyes and being able to enjoy the new you. However, some people get this kind of reaction too easily, and before they know it, they're out in a bikini, worrying that someone is looking at their stretched out stomach. It's important to realize that this happens to everyone.

Loose skin after weight loss surgery pictures definitely show what I'm talking about! There is nothing sexy or attractive about loose, sagging skin. Some women end up purchasing cosmetic products to hide their problem, but these just add more layers of weight to the problem and don't make it go away. The best thing a patient can do for their skin is to allow it to naturally regrow.

To prevent future problems, patients should eat smaller portions and be sure to drink lots of water. They should also avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol as much as possible. In addition to drinking plenty of water, patients should also massage their body daily to increase blood flow, and increase the elasticity of the skin. Loose skin after weight loss surgery pictures can make it look like there's no cure for the problem, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

Many plastic surgeons will discuss with their patients the best way to care for loose skin after surgery. A good surgeon will not recommend invasive surgery, such as liposuction. Liposuction is invasive and risky, and can leave scars or disfigurements that will last for years. Surgeons instead recommend non-invasive, and highly effective treatments that will leave less visible scars, and help patients to achieve the body they want faster.

Weight loss surgery can give patients a new lease on life, but it can also lead to a great deal of frustration and expense. The good news is that more cosmetic surgeons are offering non-invasive ways to improve the way that patients look and feel. These newer techniques are becoming more popular every day, and patients are realizing that they don't have to suffer from these problems forever. There are now many different treatment options available that can significantly reduce or eliminate the appearance of loose skin after weight loss surgery. If you're ready to take control of the way that your stomach looks and feel, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor who specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery in Los Angeles.
